
In December 2008, Michael and Thomas Allen along with other concerned members of Bayou Sorrel and Bayou Pigeon, hosted a meeting. Present at that meeting were supporting members of LEJCOC, as well as representatives from DEQ, EPA, and Dept. of Health and Hospitals(LDHH). Also there were Diane Dugas and Kathleen Aubin of Environmental Epidemiology and Toxicology section of LDHH. The citizens spoke of living in the community and having injection wells about 18 yards from their homes and the heavy river and bayou traffic. One citizen even spoke of how the grass was no longer green and the animals were no longer good to hunt or eat. This implicated that the citizens of Bayou Sorrel's whole way of life was being interrupted and they were determined to do something about it.

Below you can see pictures captured during the Bayou Sorrel/Bayou Pigeon meeting

It's been a while but we are "Always in the Struggle". Our organization has been busy getting the "WORD" out about the many Environmental, Educational, and Economic injustices we are constantly faced with on a daily basis. Below you will find an update of our most recent endeavers.

In October of 2008, members of LEJCOC boarded a bus, promoting the "Everybody Get Your Roll On" Campaign, to attend the NEJAC Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. While there, each community under LEJCOC's networking umbrella were able to tell their stories to the NEJAC panel. LEJCOC also went to a storytelling session with Dr.Reuben Warren of ITC College of Atlanta, GA. Photos and video of this trip will be available and posted soon.